Nonprofit Consulting & Formulation

We empower those who stay at the Bridge House, attend classes, go on local or global missions’ engagements, or produce media to promote their passion or proclaim the Gospel to the world in the following ways:

         1.Bridge House Weekends or Stays:  Stay, Pray, Receive Rest and Counsel, Leave full (Link)

         2.Local and Global Outreaches and Initiatives: Go and change your world (Link)

         3.Leadership/Ministerial Training/Non-Profit Formulation Classes: Train to lead; form or strengthen your vision and organization 

         (See Below)

Empowerment Through Forming Your Non-Profit (501(c)3).

Empowering you to form your own non-profit organization is done in partnership with Cornerstone Business Services LLC.  We have worked closely together to train over 1,000 people to form and strengthen their non-profit (501(c)3).

One of the major emphases of the Bridge Networks is nonprofit consulting & formulation. We have a few different ways we can assist, personal consulting and training & formulation through classes.

If you are interested in consulting, please fill out our application (link) that will give us some information on what you may need. Once we receive, we will contact you and let you know which ways we can better assist you.

We have been in partnership with Cornerstone Business Services LLC for the last 8 years in offering classes for training and formulation of a 501c3. Whether you already have a 501c3 or you are looking to start one, these classes would be very beneficial to you. Our instructor, Lynda Leibrock, has been the treasurer on the Bridge Networks board since its inception in 2013 and has assisted many organizations and ministries in starting a strong & functional nonprofit.The descriptions of the classes offered are as follows:

  • How to Start a Nonprofit: This class will cover: How to start, who will benefit, ownership, mission/vision, name availability, recruiting your team, board positions, roles, responsibilities, bylaws, forms/applications, books and records, funding and functional expenses.
  • Board Selection & Board Protocols: In this class we will discuss, how to select the right people for your Board, what to do before the board meeting, learn the typical order of business, how to create an agenda, roles and presiding officer, members and committee roles and responsibilities, what is a quorum, motions & adjournment are some of the topics that will be addressed.
  • Writing the Bylaws: This class is designed to assist you in drafting your bylaws. Bylaws are the instruction manual of your Nonprofit. We will cover the importance of a succession plan for your organization and outline. Here we will go through the step-by-step process of drafting your bylaws to make sure all pertinent content and guidelines are included.
  • Financial Fundamentals for Nonprofits: This class will cover basic processes, recording transactions, analyzing, planning, general ledger accounts, chart of accounts, revenue (permanently restricted, temporarily restricted/unrestricted) GAAP, financial statements, internal controls, stewardship/accountability, and fiduciary responsibility.
  • How to Write an Award-Winning Grant: This class will cover: analysis, where to look, funders priorities, basic terminology, eligibility, format/components, the budget, present your plan, narrative, evaluations, handy attachments, submission, and the grant process.
  • Fundraising: In this class you will learn how to obtain your Michigan Solicitation License. What are the duties and responsibility of the nonprofit as it pertains to fundraising, best practices, fundraising tips, and organization ideas? How to turn the burden into a blessing. Fundraising ideas!


  • How to Start a Nonprofit
  • Board Selection/Protocol
  • Writing the Bylaws
  • Financial Fundamentals
  • Grant writing for Nonprofit
  • Fundraising for Nonprofit

If you would like virtual class information, contact: Lynda@cornerstonebusinessllc@gmail.com

Each class costs $35 with a discount for multiple classes. You can register by going to Eventbrite.com