Global Impact engages local and global outreach & missions to win our world to Christ and change our culture for the Kingdom of God.
At the Bridge we support, raise funds, and participate in numerous outreaches in collaboration with over 20 organizations including:
- American Red Cross: Blood drives and CPR Training
- Another Way/A Woman' Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center: Hygiene, diapers and equipment assembled and or delivered to moms
- Awake Downriver (Revival prayer network for downriver groups)
- Black United Fund: Scholarships for young adults in engineering, aeronautics, business, and entrepreneurship
- Brilliant Detroit: Literacy mentoring children 5-8 years old (July/Aug)
- Central Detroit Christian CDC: Warehouse, buildings and or community blight clean up
- CRU: Campus Crusade for Christ Inner City; volunteer mentoring, sports camp, general help reaching youth in 25 of 31 zip codes in Detroit and other cities
- Disabled American Veterans: Assembly of hygiene kits; work with delivery of clothes or special seasonal items to homes and vets' centers
- Fight to Forgive (Handbook used in churches, organizations, and prisons to help people be free)
- Food Distribution: Lathrup Village City Hall with Mayor Kelley Garrett
- Grace Centers of Hope: Building and or community blight clean up
- Habitat for Humanity Building Projects: Cleanup and housing
- Habitat for Humanity Re Store: Exterior debris clean up or Interior arrange and stock warehouse
- Heaven Culture: A local assembly with a focus on transforming ordinary people into Kingdom Citizens that Represent Heaven while living right here on Earth.
- LASED (Latin American Social & Economic Development): Clothes and food to Latino families; building and or community blight clean up
- Life Challenge: Building and or community blight clean up
- Life Remodeled: Building projects (ongoing) and or community blight clean up 300 blocks around site
- Listening Heart (Providing counsel and networking for leadership)
- Next Level Lending: (Sponsoring Love Thy Neighbor" First time homebuyer support)
- Outreaches: Community outreaches per scheduled Saturdays May-August
- Positive Zone/Champion's Challenge (90 program empowering youth for success)
- Revival 21: Equipping an army of young people through evangelistic meetings in high schools, college campuses, school assemblies, and personal discipleship.
- Salvation Army: Clothes and furniture donations
- SOAR/Eagle Sports: Literacy mentoring; building clean up
- SSI: Student Statesmen International: Volunteer teaching and assisting youth in working with government engagement
- The Well: Hygiene products and volunteering in Waterford Women’s Training in 2 facilities in Waterford, MI
- Vets Returning Home: (Roseville) Painting (light; non-commercial) and interior clean-up of dorm for 29 homeless vets
- YMCA: Building and or community blight clean up
Local outreach includes participation and partnership in Matthew 22:35-40 actions (loving God and others). Generally, these outreaches include training and digital event promotions, door to door neighborhood evangelism, food distributions, park/basketball/music/back to school/community and seasonal event engagements.
Global missions include short term trips and collaborations with city and country wide campaigns geared to evangelize and disciple children, youth, and adults to know Christ and make Him known. Teams conduct outreaches in parks, city plazas, schools, churches and civic auditoriums and arenas. Special focused teams plant churches, orphanages, schools and conduct conferences.
For more information on upcoming local outreaches, mission’s engagements, conferences or evangelism workshops, please click the button below and complete the form.